Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Cytotoxicity V2 Image Analysis BioApplication

The Cytotoxicity V2 BioApplication is an image analysis application that simultaneously measures four markers of cytotoxicity (nuclear fragmentation/condensation, permeability, lysosomal mass-pH, and cell count) and reports individual and composite indicies of cytotoxicity.  The V2 version has been enhanced with object segmentation to allow clumped cells to be efficiently analyzed.  Available for the Cellomics ArrayScan VTI, A…

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The Cytotoxicity V2 BioApplication is an image analysis application that simultaneously measures four markers of cytotoxicity (nuclear fragmentation/condensation, permeability, lysosomal mass-pH, and cell count) and reports individual and composite indicies of cytotoxicity.

The V2 version has been enhanced with object segmentation to allow clumped cells to be efficiently analyzed. Available for the Cellomics ArrayScan VTI, ArrayScan x.5, and KineticScan platforms..

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