Discover® 2.0
Microwave synthesis made easy.

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Great results
Organic reaction
Great product
Review Date: 30 Apr 2024 | CEM Corp.
The Discover® 2.0 is the premier microwave reactor for performing any organic or inorganic synthetic chemistry. Featuring a best-in-class 300 mL single-mode microwave cavity and intuitive software with a 10" touchscreen interface, it is possible to program a reaction in seconds and achieve the best synthetic yield in minutes. Innovative system capabilities include the revolutionary iWave® temperature control system, the ability to run 100-mL sealed vessel reactions, and a completely new software control system with built-in video monitoring. These features allow the Discover 2.0 to be the only single-mode microwave reactor that uses glass, Teflon®, or even quartz vessels for the widest range of standard synthetic reactions from milligram to multigram scale. Find out how the most advanced microwave synthesizer is also the most flexible and easy-to-use.