Dolphin-View Image System (USB-version)
Dolphin-View image system is a recently updated stand-alone documentation system, ideal for fluorescent or colorimetric samples, e.g. DNA or protein gels. The compact space saving darkroom is equipped with a sensitive CCD-camera and a 312 nm UV-transilluminator on a slide-out frame wich makes sample handling extremely convenient. Images captured with the CCD-camera are directly displayed on a large LCD monitor. The built in so…

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Dolphin-View image system is a recently updated stand-alone documentation system, ideal for fluorescent or colorimetric samples, e.g. DNA or protein gels. The compact space saving darkroom is equipped with a sensitive CCD-camera and a 312 nm UV-transilluminator on a slide-out frame wich makes sample handling extremely convenient. Images captured with the CCD-camera are directly displayed on a large LCD monitor. The built in software that controls image capture and image save/load and delete functions is managed directly by an on-screen touch panel. For further processing and analysis of captured images, data can be conveniently transferred via USB to a PC. Wealtec offers a range of external thermal printers that can be directly connected to the image system and provide named, timed and dated printouts of captured images. Given its size, sensitivity, user-friendliness and rapid generation of data, Dolphin-View is a the perfect image system for everyday laboratory image documentation needs.
- Full screen monitor for convenient real-time optimisation of sample position and image settings (focus, zoom and iris)
- Built-in software for image capture, as well as saving, loading and deleting, conveniently managed by a touch-screen LCD-display
- Sensitive CCD-camera
- 312 nm UV-transilluminator on slide-out frame or built-in epi-white light as illumination source. Optional Green/blue LED
- Space saving darkroom design with fully openable door
- Image transfer as well as system upgrade, easily accessible via USB
- Optional external thermal printer offers direct printouts of captured images
- Delivered with powerful Dolphin-View Band tool analysis software
visualistion/documentation of...
- Fluorescently stained samples, e.g. SYBR® gold/green/sybr or ethidium bromide stained DNA-gels or SYPRO® red/tangerine/orange/ruby stained protein-gels
- Colorimetric samples/applications, e.g. coomassie brilliant blue, silver or zinc stained gels or x-ray films
- Bacteial colony plates