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DS 40M Rotary Vane Pump

The Agilent DS40M 2 m3/hr rotary vane pump is a compact and quiet system. The pump delivers a pumping speed of 1.8 m3/hr at 50 Hz, or 1.3 CFM at 60 Hz, with a base pressure of < 7 x 10-3 mbar, while operating as low as 45 dBa. The 0.1 kW, single-phase motor is magnetically coupled to the pump shaft through an enclosed, leak-tight case, eliminating the consequences of pump oil leakage common to pumps with dynamic shaft seals…

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The Agilent DS40M 2 m3/hr rotary vane pump is a compact and quiet system. The pump delivers a pumping speed of 1.8 m3/hr at 50 Hz, or 1.3 CFM at 60 Hz, with a base pressure of < 7 x 10-3 mbar, while operating as low as 45 dBa.

The 0.1 kW, single-phase motor is magnetically coupled to the pump shaft through an enclosed, leak-tight case, eliminating the consequences of pump oil leakage common to pumps with dynamic shaft seals.

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