Products & ReviewLife Sciences

DyNAmo™ Probe qPCR Kit

DyNAmo™ Probe qPCR Kit is a ready-to-use 2x master mix for highly specific quantitative PCR. The master mix contains all reagents needed for qPCR. Only template DNA, PCR primers and probe need to be added by the user.The 2x master mix includes the efficient hot start Thermus brockianus DNA polymerase. ROX™ passive reference dye is also supplied with the kit in a separate tube for instruments that require ROX normalization. DyN…

Finnzymes Oy

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DyNAmo™ Probe qPCR Kit is a ready-to-use 2x master mix for highly specific quantitative PCR. The master mix contains all reagents needed for qPCR. Only template DNA, PCR primers and probe need to be added by the user.

The 2x master mix includes the efficient hot start Thermus brockianus DNA polymerase. ROX™ passive reference dye is also supplied with the kit in a separate tube for instruments that require ROX normalization. DyNAmo Probe qPCR Kit is compatible with all block-based and capillary-based real-time qPCR instruments.

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