Eclipse Plus C18
600 bar; superficially porous, 2.7 µm particle6; available in 2.1 - 4.6 mm id; 30 - 150 mm lengths. ZORBAX Eclipse Plus columns feature improved silica, special bonding and optimized endcapping that combine to deliver exceptional peak shapes for a wide range of analytes. Agilent's Poroshell 120 columns have a solid 1.7 µm core and a porous .5 µm outer layer, for a total 2.7 µm particle that delivers high resolution and high…
Best column for protein analysis.
Protein analysis
This column is perfect for different protein analyses, from Insulin (small peptides) to BSA (large globular proteins). It gives sharp peaks with good reproduciblity. The carbon load of the column is just what it needed and not too much to result in tailing. It is good for academic as well as industrial setups. It definitely lasts for more than 5000 injections if maintained well. It separates impurities perfectly.
Review Date: 16 Dec 2019 | Agilent Technologies
Accurate Cyanocobalamin analysis by AOAC 2014.02 requires Eclipse C18 Plus column.
Vitamin B12 analysis
We tried to evaluate performance of the AOAC 2014.02 method in analysis of cyanocobalamin in infant formula and adult nutritionals. The method using the listed column provided a shoulder of unknown compound on cyanocobalamin peak. When we replaced the listed column by the Exclipse C18 Plus column we could find that shoulder on cyanocobalamin peak separate as a separate peak which later on was identified as adenosylcobalamin peak. Thus Eclipse C18 plus column improved the method performance remarkably and could not only estimate cyanocobalamin amount in the sample correctly but could also also analyze adenosylcobalamin.
Review Date: 11 Jan 2017 | Agilent Technologies
600 bar; superficially porous, 2.7 µm particle6; available in 2.1 - 4.6 mm id; 30 - 150 mm lengths. ZORBAX Eclipse Plus columns feature improved silica, special bonding and optimized endcapping that combine to deliver exceptional peak shapes for a wide range of analytes. Agilent's Poroshell 120 columns have a solid 1.7 µm core and a porous .5 µm outer layer, for a total 2.7 µm particle that delivers high resolution and high speed separations with up to 50% less backpressure than sub-2 µm column. Stable to 600 bar, use Poroshell 120 to push every HPLC and UHPLC analysis further. Eclipse Plus phases are available in 1.8 µm columns and superficially porous Poroshell 120. Start with ZORBAX Eclipse Plus for method development!