Products & ReviewSeparations

Epic C18 Liquid Chromatography Columns

The Epic™ line of LC columns is based on high density monomerically bonded phases produced through a proprietary bonding process. Epic HPLC columns are compatible with a wide range of organic modifiers and buffers and stable over a wide pH range. All Epic products use an ultra-high purity metal free silica and undergo strict quality control testing. For flexibility, we offer a wide range of column sizes as well being fully sc…


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Features and benefits:

  • Ultra-high purity silica for improved peak shape, especially for basic compounds
  • Extensive range of stationary phase chemistries with innovative bonding chemistry to enhance method development
  • High density bonding produces columns with better pH stability, increased sample loading and better lot-to-lot reproducibility
  • Extended pH stability across commonly used mobile phase buffers
  • Microbore to preparative dimensions available to allow flexibility and full scalability

Product Overview
