epoc® Blood Analysis System
Improve outcomes and workflow while transforming care delivery across clinical pathways. The epoc ® Blood Analysis System gives you lab-quality results here and now.
Great product.
We purchased this for our lab. There was definitely a learning curve but the service desk was extremely helpful and even had a one on one training. Now we use the machine often and it is very nice to have immediate results.
Review Date: 27 Sept 2021 | Siemens Healthineers
It's a premium device.
Cardiac hemodinamics, functional respiratory tests, cardiac failure
The analyzer is portable, power autonomous, easy to use and always ready. Provides good quality results, robust, good correlation with blood gas analyzers. Renal function included in the panel of tests, good reagents, not very expensive, good after sales service, good informatic connectivity, remote viewer for results and errors.
Review Date: 26 Jun 2019 | Siemens Healthineers
The epoc system is a handheld, wireless solution to enable comprehensive blood analysis testing at the patient’s side on a single room temperature test card, with results in less than a minute.
Accelerate clinical decision making
- Customize critical ranges and notify clinicians immediately.
- Provide fast, wireless transmission of patient results.
Streamline patient-testing workflow.
- System provides full-panel testing and automatic calibration prior to analysis. vOnly 92 μL of blood is required for the full panel of tests.
- Integrated bar-code reader provides easy identification of patient and operator IDs.
Simplify inventory management.
- Use single-use, room temperature-stable test cards.
- Improve inventory management and reduce waste with one test card with 11 analytes:
- pH
- Na+
- Cl-
- Crea
- pCO2
- K+
- Glu
- Hct
- pO2
- Ca++
- Lac
Deliver real-time results and reporting.
• Easily transmit patient results from the analyzer to the electronic medical record (EMR/LIS/HIS) in seconds.
• Reduce transcription errors when downloading results at remote locations.