Products & ReviewDrug Discovery & Development
Ethyl Alcohol Absolute 200 Proof
Available: Worldwide
Ethyl Alcohol, Absolute, 200 Proof, Reagent, ACS is a pure, 99.5% minimum assay, undenatured ethyl alcohol (ethanol) that is ideal for a variety of research, industrial and educational uses. Spectrum certifies that the Reagent ACS grade is perfect for general laboratory use and offers a solvent that will yield repetitive, consistent results.
Ethyl Alcohol, Absolute, 200 Proof, Reagent, ACS is a pure, 99.5% minimum assay, undenatured ethyl alcohol (ethanol) that is ideal for a variety of research, industrial and educational uses. Spectrum certifies that the Reagent ACS grade is perfect for general laboratory use and offers a solvent that will yield repetitive, consistent results.