Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Expanded Pupil Technology

Isis expanded pupil is newly patented multi-lenticular technology to a new device designed to enhance the ergonomics of all conventional binocular microscopes. Vision’s Isis accessory fits directly into the microscope’s eyepiece tubes to deliver Expanded Pupil technology, offering an exit ray bundle twelve times larger than a traditional eyepiece.Expanded Pupil technology allows a much greater freedom of operator head movement…

Vision Biomed

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Isis expanded pupil is newly patented multi-lenticular technology to a new device designed to enhance the ergonomics of all conventional binocular microscopes. Vision’s Isis accessory fits directly into the microscope’s eyepiece tubes to deliver Expanded Pupil technology, offering an exit ray bundle twelve times larger than a traditional eyepiece.

Expanded Pupil technology allows a much greater freedom of operator head movement which can dramatically reduce fatigue. This is achieved by expanding the ray bundle exiting the eyepieces, which results in a four-fold increase in working distance between the operator’s eyes and the Isis unit.

Critically, this increased distance permits users who require corrected vision to continue to wear prescription spectacles or contact lenses while using the microscope. Operators who need reading glasses normally remove them for microscope viewing and must then re-focus at a different distance, which quickly leads to fatigue. Operators with astigmatism fare worse: removing spectacles immediately spoils their vision and even the independent adjustments of conventional microscope eyepieces cannot provide compensation.

The increased working distance offered by Isis also serves to eliminate any physical contact with the instrument, offering distinct hygiene benefits – especially where several operators share one microscope.

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