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Extractables & Leachables PCDL for LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF

The Extractables and Leachables Personal Compound Database and Library (PCDL) for TOF or Q-TOF LC/MS systems contains a curated accurate-mass database with over 1,000 compounds and accurate-mass MS/MS spectra for 360 compounds. 

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The Extractables and Leachables Personal Compound Database and Library (PCDL) for TOF or Q-TOF LC/MS systems contains a curated accurate-mass database with over 1,000 compounds and accurate-mass MS/MS spectra for 360 compounds. Retention times for more than 125 compounds add another degree of identification confidence and help avoid false positives. Detailed acquisition method setup information allows fast ramp-up to full productivity.


  • Enjoy seamless integration of the PCDL into Agilent MassHunter Qualitative software for simplified screening workflows.
  • Acquire full-spectrum, untargeted data using multiple data acquisition modes such as MS only and All Ions MS/MS
  • Perform presumptive matching of acquired spectra with library spectra–without the need to source standards.
  • Propose a suspect list with MS-only data, then confirm compound presence and eliminate false positives with targeted MS/MS and library search
  • Mine data from MS only and Auto MS/MS experiments and search for proposed compounds against the PCDL
  • Identify differences between samples using Mass Profiler Software with the combination of formula generation and database searching for identification
  • Create a custom PCDL for a more focused screening approach by using only a subset of the Extractables and Leachables PCDL or by or adding your own unique compounds and library spectra.
  • Perform retrospective analysis of data with compounds newly added to the PCDL, without a need to re-run samples.
  • Keep your screening experiments current with free PCDL updates for 3 years.
  • Get best in class application services and consumables tailored to your lab from Agilent CrossLab.
  • Compatible with all current models of Agilent TOF or Q-TOF LC/MS instruments.

Product Overview
