Products & ReviewSpectroscopy

fluidlab R-300

anvajo GmbHAvailable: ,Western Europe,Eastern Europe,

Cell Counter & Spectrometer in the palm of your hand.

anvajo GmbH

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The fluidlab R-300 combines two central lab technologies in one handheld device:

  • spectrometry
  • cell counting

It can be used to conduct extinction measurements, generate calibration curves, perform cell counts and measure cell viability label-free in under 60 seconds! The fluidlab R-300 can be used with standard cuvettes as well as custom designed anvajo sample carriers. With its size slightly larger than a smartphone the fluidlab R-300 is the most comfortable instrument to use in field tests, inside the lab or directly under the clean bench.


  • Enabling staining-free viability analysis by using next gen holographic imaging
  • Measuring directly under the clean bench to prevent sample contamination
  • Measuring heterogeneous samples and using the cell size histogram to distinguish between different sized cells
  • Cell counting of a broad range of cell types based on neural networks
  • Inspecting the full extinction spectrum between 375 nm to 700 nm at one glance
  • Generating, saving and retrospectively adapting calibration curves for the quantification of unknown samples
  • Transferring quantitative data and images to an external device
  • Staying up to date by downloading the newest software version free of charge
  • No calibration and regular maintenance needed

Product Overview
