FluorChem R
Satisfy everyone in your lab with an imager that does it all—and takes the complication out of getting reliable, fully analyzed data too!
Easy to use, reliable product.
Western Blot and scanning for clonogenic assay
This is an easy to use instrument. It allows effective and reliable quantification of proteins and nucleic acids. It is also useful for performing western blots using a single instrument and for scanning colonies and analyzing data.
Review Date: 6 Nov 2019
Very good equipment for molecular biology lab
Gel documentation, analyze protein, nucleic acids on gels
Very effective and easy to use instrument. Quantification of molecules quite efficiently performed. Nucleic acids, protein bands can be easily quantified and detected as well as protein blots using a single equipment.
Review Date: 23 Nov 2017
FluorChem imagers are versatile—the FluorChem R has true multi-mode capabilities, with UV fluorescence, white light, chemiluminescence, visible fluorescence, and infrared fluorescence imaging, all in one compact system. Cover all your application bases with one easy-to-use system.