Fluorescence Microplate Assays
Combining the sensitivity of a fluorescence-based assay with a microplate format enables a rapid, quantitative readout suitable for high-throughput analysis. In a microplate well, the fluorescent signal can be generated within whole cells, in cell lysates, or in purified enzyme preparations and may then be analyzed by measuring fluorescence intensity from the well without the need for cellular imaging.

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Combining the sensitivity of a fluorescence-based assay with a microplate format enables a rapid, quantitative readout suitable for high-throughput analysis. In a microplate well, the fluorescent signal can be generated within whole cells, in cell lysates, or in purified enzyme preparations and may then be analyzed by measuring fluorescence intensity from the well without the need for cellular imaging.
Many of these assays include substrates, buffers, and calibration standards as well as kinetic or endpoint protocols.
Fluorescence microplate applications
Caspase Assays
- Caspase-3/7 assays
- Caspase inhibitor-based assays
Cell Proliferation
- DNA content
- DNA synthesis
Cell Signaling and Lipids
- Cholesterol
- Phosphate and pyrophosphatase
- Phosphatase
- Phospholipase
Cell Viability
- Mammalian, yeast or bacterial cell viability
- Multiplexed viability/cytotoxicity assay
Enzyme Activity
- Phosphatases
- Phospholipases
- Proteases
- Other enzymes
β-Galactosidase Assays
- β-galactosidase activity
- β-gal substrates
- Glucosidase substrates
Ion Indicators
- Intracellular calcium
- Intracellular magnesium
- pH indicators
Metabolites and Analytes
- Metabolic assays
- Neurobiology assays
- Inflammation assays
Nucleic Acids
- dsDNA assays
- ssDNA assays
- RNA assays
Protein Quantitation
- Invitrogen™ Quant-iT™ assay
- Invitrogen™ NanoOrange™ assay
Reactive Oxygen Species
- Oxidative stress
- Nitric oxide
- Other oxidative indicators
Learn more about Fluorescence Microplate Assays by Thermo Fisher Scientific here >>