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Freezer Accessories

Inventory Racking, Security Back-Up Systems and Temperature Monitoring INVENTORY RACKINGExclusively designed and manufactured by Eppendorf, our racking is lightweight, durable and provides maximum storage capacity. The standard racking systems hold boxes of various sizes but we also manufacture racks to any specification BACK-UP SYSTEMSC02 and LN2 Back-up Systems are available for those who require additional security for…

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Inventory Racking, Security Back-Up Systems and Temperature Monitoring

Exclusively designed and manufactured by Eppendorf, our racking is lightweight, durable and provides maximum storage capacity. The standard racking systems hold boxes of various sizes but we also manufacture racks to any specification

C02 and LN2 Back-up Systems are available for those who require additional security for their valuable samples. In operation, addition of C02 or LN2 is pulsed rather than continuous, ensuring even distribution of the cooling effect while avoiding excessive consumption of coolant. Using C02, temperature can be maintained between -55ºC and -70ºC, subject to environmental conditions. With LN2 temperatures down to -85ºC can be achieved.

DATA CAPTURE - 7 Day Chart Recorder
Continuous monitoring of the freezer temperature can be achieved by a 7 day chart recorder and can be fitted to all models. The chart covers a temperature range of +20ºC to -90ºC with an accuracy of +/-2%

All New Eppendorf ultra low temperature freezers can be fitted with an optional RS-485 computer interface for monitoring up to 30 freezers from one PC. The BioCommand software which is supplied with the RS-485 option allows you to both CHANGE temperature remotely as well as LOG temperature remotely. Any alarms are recorded and documented and are accompanied by a flashing screen colour change to warn of the condition.

Validation packages, voltage stabilizers, padlock adapter kits, and more are also offered. Ask your rep for details.

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