GC/MS Blood Alcohol Analyzer
Configured with Flame Ionization (FID) and Mass Spectrum (MS) detectors, Agilent's GC/MS Blood Alcohol Analyzer interfaces with the Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler to provide rapid cycles time with no carry over following a challenge with a 0.40% EtOH concentration sample.
Globally, law enforcement agencies have established limits for blood alcohol concentrations that constitute violation of local “driving impaired” regulations. To meet demand, laboratories require accurate and high throughput analytical tools that produce defendable data. Configured with Flame Ionization (FID) and Mass Spectrum (MS) detectors, Agilent's GC/MS Blood Alcohol Analyzer interfaces with the Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler to provide rapid cycles time with no carry over following a challenge with a 0.40% EtOH concentration sample. FID quantitation and spectral confirmation of alcohol presence provides data you can confidently defend.
Agilent's GC/MS Blood Alcohol Analyzer helps your laboratory meet the analytical challenges of this high demand application. Start producing reproducible and defendable data today.
- Fast single column separation with FID and MS detection provides quantitation and spectral confirmation of ethanol concentrations with a single injection.
- Precise temperature control, inert sample pathway ,and sampling at pressures above ambient improve sampling precision and reproducibility.
- Optimized for analysis of BAC including column, consumables, checkout samples, and analytical method facilitates adaptation to your laboratory's SOPs.
- Pre-configured per industry standards and chemically tested ensuring optimal performance for the analysis of ethanol concentrations in blood.
- Reproducible split of column effluent into the FID and MSD using Capillary Flow Technology (CFT) provides robust and reliable analysis.
- Customized report includes both quantitation of alcohol concentration and spectral confirmation of alcohol presence.
- On-site installation and check out of the Analyzer performance by a factory certified technician confirms that your instrument and application meet Agilent’s analytical performance criteria.