Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Genefficiency™ RNA-Seq Service

A high-quality RNA sequencing service designed to deliver cost-effective and rapid access to meaningful transcriptomics results. The Genefficiency™ RNA-Seq Service from OGT provides a new level of assay customisation to ensure each experiment is fully optimised to suit your specific study objectives. At OGT we understand the time and effort it takes to generate good quality RNA and how precious your samples are. Whether you a…

Oxford Gene Technology Ltd

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A high-quality RNA sequencing service designed to deliver cost-effective and rapid access to meaningful transcriptomics results.

The Genefficiency™ RNA-Seq Service from OGT provides a new level of assay customisation to ensure each experiment is fully optimised to suit your specific study objectives. At OGT we understand the time and effort it takes to generate good quality RNA and how precious your samples are. Whether you are looking for array equivalent output on known specific genes, quantification of novel or known alternative splicing variants for your gene of interest or the detection of a rare transcript, OGT will guide you every step of the way.

Our expert team will provide advice on the correct combination of starting material, sequencing depth and the level of bioinformatics required to reach your goals — delivering successful and cost-effective results.

Genefficiency™ RNA-Seq Service Features:

  • Comprehensive interactive report — delivering rapid access to your results
  • Full advice and consultation — saving time and money
  • Enhance your existing gene expression studies — with nucleotide-level data
  • Dedication to quality — providing confidence in your results

Product Overview
