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Ghrelin (acylated)

DRG International Inc.EIA-4686Available: Worldwide

High Quality Assays with Reproducible and Reliable Results

DRG International Inc.

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Users are recommended to read all instructions for use before starting work.Each time a new pipette tip is used, aspirate a sample or reagent and expel it back into the same vessel. Repeat this operation two or three times before distribution in order to equilibrate the pipette tip. For research laboratory use only.Not for diagnostic use. Do not pipet liquids by mouth. Do not use kit components beyond the expiration date. Do not eat, drink or smoke in area in which kit reagents are handled. Avoid splashing. The total amount of reagents contains less than 100 μg of sodium azide.This Enzyme Immunometric Assay (EIA) is based on a doubleantibody sandwich technique. The wells of the plate supplied are coated with a monoclonal antibody specifi c to the C-terminal part of Ghrelin. This antibody will bind to any Ghrelin introduced into the wells (standard or sample). The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) - Fab’ conjugate (Tracer) which recognises the N-terminal part of Acylated Ghrelin is also added to the wells. The two antibodies then form a sandwich by binding on different parts of the Acylated Ghrelin. The sandwich is immobilised on the plate so reagents in excess may be washed away. The concentration of Acylated Ghrelin (human) is determined by measuring the enzymatic activity of immobilized Tracer using Substrate Solution (Ellman’s Reagent). AChE Tracer acts on Substrate Solution (Ellman’s Reagent) to form a yellow compound that strongly absorbs at 414 nm. The intensity of the colour, which is determined by spectrophotometry, is proportional to the amount of Acylated Ghrelin (human) present in the well during the immunological incubation. This EIA kit needs a short incubation time for immunological reaction (3 hours).drains thoroughly to prevent the production of explosive metalazides.

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