Products & ReviewSeparations

HP-88 Columns

Agilent J&W HP-88 is designed for the separation of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). It provides greater cis/trans resolution than the DB-23, and has nearly identical selectivity as the CP-Sil 88, but with higher temperature limits. 

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Agilent J&W HP-88 is designed for the separation of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). It provides greater cis/trans resolution than the DB-23, and has nearly identical selectivity as the CP-Sil 88, but with higher temperature limits. HP-88 is not a bonded and crosslinked phase so solvent rinsing is not recommended.


  • (88% - Cyanopropy)aryl-polysiloxane
  • 250/260 °C upper temperature limits
  • High polarity
  • Designed for separation of cis-trans fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs)
  • Even better separation than DB-23 of cis-trans isomers
  • Each Agilent J&W GC column is tested with the tightest industry QC specifications for column bleed, sensitivity, and efficiency to provide you utmost confidence in qualitative and quantitative results
  • For details about the QC test conditions including the test probe mixture and the resulting chromatogram, please refer to the Agilent J&W GC Column Performance Summary shipped with each GC column

Similar Phases: SP-2560, SP-2340, SP-2330, BPX-70, BPX-90

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