Enzyme Immunoassay for the determination of IgG antibodies to Human Papilloma Virus in human serum and plasma. Enzyme ImmunoAssay (ELISA) for the semi-quantitative determination of IgG class antibodies to Human Papilloma Virus (or HPV) in human plasma and sera.The product is supplied for research purpose only. It is not for use in the diagnosis or for the follow-up of patients administered with the vaccines containing HPV ant…

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The HPV OncoTect by incellDx is a detection kit for the HPV in E6, E7 mRNA level. This test is used in flow cytometry and is easy to use could give reliable results and it could be a very promising alternative to the PCR detection of HPV.
Review Date: 25 Feb 2015 | DRG International Inc.
Enzyme Immunoassay for the determination of IgG antibodies to Human Papilloma Virus in human serum and plasma.
Enzyme ImmunoAssay (ELISA) for the semi-quantitative determination of IgG class antibodies to Human Papilloma Virus (or HPV) in human plasma and sera.
The product is supplied for research purpose only. It is not for use in the diagnosis or for the follow-up of patients administered with the vaccines containing HPV antigens.