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DRG International Inc.EIA-5421Available: Worldwide

High Quality Assays with Reproducible and Reliable Results

DRG International Inc.

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Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative and quantitative determination of IgG antibodies against Herpes simplex virus 1 in human serum and plasma.The Herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2are ubiquitous pathogens of humans that usually cause either asymptomaticinfection or mild skin and mucosal diseases. HSV 1 causes 85% and HSV 2 15% oforal primary infections. HSV 1 causes different clinical symptoms in about 10%of the primary infections like gingivostomatitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis,vesicular eruptions of the skin, encephalitis, eczema and some letal infectionsof newborns. Persons at an increased risk for serious or prolonged HSV infectionsare those with eczema, severe burns or a defect in their cell-mediatedimmunity.HSV 2 may cause other symptoms like theHerpes genitalis syndrome occurring principally in adults. The precedingprimary infection will be transmitted via sexual contact. HSV 2 is a virussuspected to induce cervix carcinoma in women. In some cases a HSV 2 causedmeningitis occurs that is much milder than a HSV 1 caused encephalitis. Themost severe complication of genital HSV infection is the neonatal disease. Diagnosis of the primary infection by HSV1/HSV 2 can be confirmed by a significant rise of the IgG titer within6 to 10 days. A finished infection can be monitored with the IgG ELISA. Incase of a suspicion of HSV encephalopathy it is recommended to perform a paralleldetermination of both HSV-specific antibodies (IgG and IgM) in serum and liquor.Solidphase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on the sandwichprinciple. The wells are coated with antigen. Specific antibodies of the samplebinding to the antigen coated wells are detected by a secondary enzymeconjugated antibody (E-Ab) specific for human IgG. Afterthe substrate reaction the intensity of the color developed is proportional tothe amount of IgG-specific antibodies detected. Results of samples can be determined directly using the standard curve.

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