Products & ReviewLife Sciences

HT7700 120 kV Automated TEM

Hitachi offers the sleek HT7700 for maximum performance and productivity. The radical design incorporates the ergonomics and user friendliness of a SEM with advanced automation, resolution and analytical capabilities of a TEM. Imaging is completely digital – you won’t find a viewing or projector chamber - and Hitachi’s EMIP-SP database software automatically catalogues your single frame and montaged images. The turbopump evacu…

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Hitachi offers the sleek HT7700 for maximum performance and productivity.

The radical design incorporates the ergonomics and user friendliness of a SEM with advanced automation, resolution and analytical capabilities of a TEM. Imaging is completely digital – you won’t find a viewing or projector chamber - and Hitachi’s EMIP-SP database software automatically catalogues your single frame and montaged images.

The turbopump evacuation system guarantees fast pumpdown times and a clean vacuum environment. With a wealth of options, you can tailor the microscope to the demands of your lab.

• High contrast and high resolution for 40-120kV operation
• Optimal 2D and 3D imaging of biological and materials samples
• High stability 5-axis side-entry Hiper stage goniometer
• Excellent analytical performance
• Auto-brightness, focus and astigmatism correction
• Includes Hitachi's unique Double-gap objective lens design
• Brightfield/Darkfield STEM configuration
• Image navigation and micro-trace modes

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