Human Nav1.7 Sodium Channel Division-Arrested Cells
The human Nav1.7 gene encodes the pore-forming subunit of a voltage-gated Na+ channel that is expressed in sensory and sympathetic neurons. The Nav1.7 channel is a therapeutic target in pain treatment. Synonyms: PN1 Host cell: CHO-K1 Gene name: SCN9A Mycoplasma status: Negative (MycoAlert Kit) Packaging: Three vials of Cyropreserved irradiated cells, 2 x 106 cells/vial (6x106 cells total) Growth media: Ham’s F12; 10% FBS Grow…

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The human Nav1.7 gene encodes the pore-forming subunit of a voltage-gated Na+ channel that is expressed in sensory and sympathetic neurons. The Nav1.7 channel is a therapeutic target in pain
Synonyms: PN1
Host cell: CHO-K1
Gene name: SCN9A
Mycoplasma status: Negative (MycoAlert Kit)
Packaging: Three vials of Cyropreserved irradiated cells, 2 x 106 cells/vial (6x106 cells
Growth media: Ham’s F12; 10% FBS
Growth characteristics: cells remain viable 1–2 days post-thaw
Storage recommendation: frozen under liquid nitrogen
Functional expression: median Na+ current amplitude = 1.8 nA
Recommended assays: manual or automated patch clamp