Indicating Oxygen Traps
Agilent's Indicating Oxygen Trap is designed to be used in conjunction with any of our high capacity, non-indicating oxygen traps. When properly installed downstream from the non-indicating trap, the Indicating Oxygen Trap provides a visual indication of oxygen breakthrough before contamination reaches sensitive system components. Unlike adsorbent materials utilized in competitive products, our indicating media can be exposed…
Agilent's Indicating Oxygen Trap is designed to be used in conjunction with any of our high capacity, non-indicating oxygen traps. When properly installed downstream from the non-indicating trap, the Indicating Oxygen Trap provides a visual indication of oxygen breakthrough before contamination reaches sensitive system components. Unlike adsorbent materials utilized in competitive products, our indicating media can be exposed to air and water in virtually any quantity without resulting in an exothermic reaction. The spent product is nontoxic, nonhazardous, nonflammable, and nonreactive. The high impact Lexan shield prevents "lab catastrophes" if the trap is exposed to pressure beyond its stated pressure limit. Safe for land-fill refuse.