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Invitrogen™ ReadyProbes™ Cell Viability Imaging Kit, Blue/Red

Room temperature-stable, ready-to-use cell viability assay

Thermo Fisher Scientific

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ReadyProbes Cell Viability Imaging Kit (Blue/Red) is a ready-to-use kit that can quickly and easily determine the viability of cells using the room temperature, stable NucBlue Live reagent (Hoechst 33342) and propidium iodide. NucBlue Live reagent stains the nuclei of all the cells and can be detected using a standard DAPI filter (excitation/emission maxima: 360/460 nm). Propidium iodide stains only the nuclei of cells with compromised plasma membrane integrity and is detected with a standard TRITC/RFP (orange) filter set (excitation/emission maxima: 360/460 nm). This kit is appropriate for fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence micro plate readers, and flow cytometry.

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