Products & ReviewLife Sciences

iQ Live Cell Imaging Software

Andor's flagship live cell imaging software, designed with flexibility and power in mind. iQ - image and quantify - occupies a central role in their Revolution product range and provides optimized control of Andor's award winning iXon EMCCD cameras and automation hardware for a range of Bioimaging applications. iQ integrates a range of additional hardware for multi-parameter and multi-modal imaging, including devices such as…

Oxford Instruments Andor

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Average Rating 4.7

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It did exactly what we wanted without the hassle. Long live Andor iQ


Average Rating 4.7

Application Area:

Live cell imaging

The software is mainly used to capture and analyse changes in intracellular calcium ion, a task it manages. there are plenty of options to optimise the process but without the glitches. When there were problems with either the software or hardware, either an email or telephone call quickly resolved the problem. Branded imaging software is never cheap but with the short training time and minimal downtime, it has been worth it over the years.

Review Date: 9 Feb 2021 | Oxford Instruments Andor

Andor's flagship live cell imaging software, designed with flexibility and power in mind. iQ - image and quantify - occupies a central role in their Revolution product range and provides optimized control of Andor's award winning iXon EMCCD cameras and automation hardware for a range of Bioimaging applications.

iQ integrates a range of additional hardware for multi-parameter and multi-modal imaging, including devices such as confocal scanners, light sources including andor's own laser combiner, filter wheels and x,y, & z motorized stage control. Automation of this hardware with image capture is tightly controlled for optimum capture rates, and to minimise unnecessary light exposure for prolonged live cell imaging.

iQ can be used for a range of bioimaging applications such as 3D live cell imaging, TIRF, ion imaging, bioluminescence and FRET. This makes iQ ideal for many research fields including cancer research, developmental biology, neuroscience, embryology, stem cell, and plant biology; capturing images from small subcellular components such as vesicles up to whole samples such as zebrafish and drosophila embryos. Continuous development and improvement ensures that Andor iQ represents a powerful and flexible core for live-cell imaging systems.

iQ Live Cell Imaging Software Features:

  • Power and flexibility
  • Multi-dimensional core
  • Fast 4D imaging
  • Z-series imaging
  • On-line data charting

Product Overview
