Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Kingfisher CCD

Introducing the Kingfisher CCD, driven by the new Sony ICX674 and ICX694 chips, offering 2.8MP and 6MP resolution. The Kingfisher has 4.54μm x 4.54μm pixels enabling ultra sharp image resolution and QE of up to 77%. The extremely low dark current allows long exposure times, perfect for staring applications. The Kingfiasher camera offers outstanding performance for low light applications such as fluorescence imaging, astronomy,…

Raptor Photonics

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Introducing the Kingfisher CCD, driven by the new Sony ICX674 and ICX694 chips, offering 2.8MP and 6MP resolution. The Kingfisher has 4.54μm x 4.54μm pixels enabling ultra sharp image resolution and QE of up to 77%. The extremely low dark current allows long exposure times, perfect for staring applications.

The Kingfiasher camera offers outstanding performance for low light applications such as fluorescence imaging, astronomy, Bio & Chemi-luminescence, calcium signaling, fluorescence imaging / spectroscopy, flow cytometry, FRET / FRAP / TIRF, genome sequencing, high content screening, high resolution fluorescence imaging, hyperspectral imaging, live cell imaging, single molecule detection and solar cell inspection.

The camera is fully compatible with the XCAP software from EPIX (link). This high performance Image Analysis Software offers easy-to-use menus and dialogs and allows simple or complex imaging tasks to be effortlessly completed.

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