Products & ReviewLife Sciences


KUIQPICK v.1.0 is a capillary-based vacuum-assisted device for tissue microdissection and collection of cells from cell culture dishes. High quality RNA, protein, and DNA are isolated from dissected samples, suitable for genomics and proteomics applications. The advantage of KUIQPICK is its cost effectiveness, flexibility and ease of use compared to existing technologies, such as LCM and FACS.KUIQPICK is an ideal instrument f…


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KUIQPICK v.1.0 is a capillary-based vacuum-assisted device for tissue microdissection and collection of cells from cell culture dishes. High quality RNA, protein, and DNA are isolated from dissected samples, suitable for genomics and proteomics applications.

The advantage of KUIQPICK is its cost effectiveness, flexibility and ease of use compared to existing technologies, such as LCM and FACS.

KUIQPICK is an ideal instrument for rapid collection of individual cells from adherent cultures or brain tissue microdissection. Using the X-Y mechanical stage the tissue/cells of interest are located. A single press of a button initiates collection of the tissue area/cells into the disposable capillary unit (DCU). Collected samples are transferred to a test tube for further experimentation.

Product Overview
