Lead Optimization Toxicology Service
Pursue preliminary appraisal of your drug candidate's safety with Covance's Lead Optimization (LO) Toxicology services. Whether your screening needs are for traditional dosing and observation methods or technologically sophisticated services, Covance LO Toxicology services, Safety Assessment and Abuse Liability provides you with sophisticated preclinical measurements of cardiovascular, endocrine, behavioral or neural function…

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Pursue preliminary appraisal of your drug candidate's safety with Covance's Lead Optimization (LO) Toxicology services.
Whether your screening needs are for traditional dosing and observation methods or technologically sophisticated services, Covance LO Toxicology services, Safety Assessment and Abuse Liability provides you with sophisticated preclinical measurements of cardiovascular, endocrine, behavioral or neural functions to gain a more transparent assessment of a drug candidate's potential.
Prior to costly production of characterized material for GLP toxicology testing, Covance's non-GLP LO testing optimizes your resource spend by employing studies that are shorter, more flexible in design and aid you in selection of only the most promising compounds for further development.
Lead Optimization Toxicology Service Features:
- Determine and select high quality lead candidate compounds
- Identify issues, early, that may need monitoring or management in development
- Provide pilot data for design of definitive toxicology studies supporting FHD
- Support development and application of research tools/ reagents for use to ensure volunteer
- safety and achieve clinical proof of concept (POC) for the target
- The addition of an investigative approach and abuse liability parameters elucidates mechanisms for:
- better screening paradigms
- evaluation of adverse effects relevance in humans
- identify clinically useful toxicity biomarkers
- assess abuse liability