Mix & Go! E. coli Transformation Kit
The Mix & Go E. coli Transformation Kit & Buffer Set allow you to make your own highly efficient chemically competent cells. Simply add DNA and spread onto a plate - Mix and Go!

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Makes DNA cloning much easier!
DNA cloning
Our lab uses this kit to make competent E. coli cells to use for transformations during DNA cloning. It is a much less involved process than traditional competent cells, and only took me less than a day's time to make enough cells to last our lab at least 6 months
Review Date: 6 Dec 2022 | Zymo Research
Amazing product for easy, efficient, timely and affordable bacterial transformation.
Molecular biology program for Yard sciences
The transformation process is very efficient and extremely time-saving. It barely takes 5 minutes for the transformation process. Insanely amazing. Traditional methods are time-consuming and require more equipment and materials. The efficiencies are the same for both, and I would say better than the traditional transformations protocol. Our students save time and use this to learn more about science and other related things. Also, when we explain to students to compare these methods, they say why has it taken so long for this to become so efficient and time-saving. We said that is to the credit of the Zymo research scientist and their research and development teams. All other products from Zymo are efficient and easy to use. We at Yard science and the students benefit a lot from their products. Thank you Zymo research for the wonderful and amazing things you all have done to make science affordable, efficient, and above all fun. Hope for more products to be coming to the market soon and helping the science and the scientific community.
Review Date: 31 Jan 2022 | Zymo Research
Great and good component cells
Molecular cloning
The buffer set is very convenient to use and can make plenty of mix&go competent cells and they are also easy and fast to use, greatly shorten my experiment time.
Review Date: 25 Jan 2022 | Zymo Research
Awesome ease of use and work every time for small and large scale transformation need
Molecular Cloning and Protein production
I found the product super ease to use to obtain competent bacterial stocks. Applicable of more than just E. coli bacteria. It speed up our SOP for molecular cloning, bacterial genome editing and protein production.
Review Date: 16 Dec 2021 | Zymo Research
Great results.
Molecular biology
These work very reliably and are super fast and easy to use for students.
Review Date: 25 May 2021 | Zymo Research
My favorite kit! A must have for undergraduate cloning procedures!
For the price, the Mix and Go! E. coli Transformation Kit is a great tool in advanced biochemistry courses when teaching cloning. Ease of use is equally great!
Review Date: 25 May 2021 | Zymo Research
We are a very busy lab and rely on the Mix&Go Transformation kit every time.
Making various strains of E. coli competent for cloning plasmids
The Mix&Go Transformation kit is so easy to use. The buffer set comes with 2x dilution buffer and one each of wash buffer and competent buffer. You just Mix & Go! We are generally able to reach an efficiency of 10^8 which is reproducible between batches. The cells are very high quality and very effective and we are able to transform nearly any type of plasmid we work with. The kit is a great value for the cost.
Review Date: 16 Mar 2021 | Zymo Research
Really great kit!
Cloning of plasmids by any method (ligation, InFusion, HiFi, Gibson, etc.)
I have used the Mix & Go! E. coli Transformation Kit from Zymo Research for over 6 years now. You can make any E. coli strain you want “heat” shock competent with it. They only take a few hours to prepare and are highly competent and very reproducible. The transformation of plasmids or ligation/InFusion/HiFi/Gibson reactions is very easy and if the antibiotic marker is ampicillin it only takes 5 min (otherwise you will need a regeneration step of 45-60 min).
Review Date: 14 Dec 2020 | Zymo Research
Anyone can use this.
The Mix & Go kit was very simple to use and offered all the materials needed, making it one comprehensive box to use for several reactions. If I could change anything about it, I would rather it be sold in a bulk size, so less single use material is used over the course of ~1000 reactions.
Review Date: 7 Dec 2020 | Zymo Research
Easy and reproducible to prepare high-titer competent cells.
Prepare competent cells
We regularly use the product for the preparation of competent E.coli. The procedure simple; wash the log-phase E.coli culture with the wash buffer in the kit and then re-suspend it in the competent buffer – that's it! You don't need worry about a complex buffer, multiple washing, and a unreproducible titer!
Review Date: 29 Apr 2020 | Zymo Research
The Mix & Go E. coli Transformation Kit and Mix & Go E. coli Transformation Buffer Set are convenient methods for the preparation of competent E. coli cells for simple and highly efficient DNA transformation. The Mix & Go method completely eliminates the requirement for heat shocking and related procedures. Instead, Mix & Go bacterial transformation can be performed by adding DNA to Mix & Go competent cells and spreading onto a plate. Transformation efficiencies are typically on the order of 10 8 -10 9 transformants/µg plasmid DNA with most E. coli strains.
Uniquely formulated reagents make it easy to generate Mix & Go competent cells from current E. coli strains that are available in the laboratory. Simply grow the E. coli strain of your choice, wash, then resuspend the cells in the provided buffers. The cells are now transformation ready! The Mix & Go E. coli Transformation Kit includes all buffers and ZymoBroth™ medium to generate 20 ml of Mix & Go competent cells. The Mix & Go E. coli Transformation Buffer Set includes all buffers that are required to generate 60 ml of Mix & Go competent cells, and the medium (broth) is supplied by the user.