MP-SPR Navi™ 210A VASA
6-sample automation not only for material characterization! The wider inner diameter of the flow-cell tubings and 6-sample automation makes MP-SPR Navi™ 210A VASA ideal for material characterization and nanoparticle research.

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Realiable results, holds it promises, after sales care outstanding
Analyse interaction of antibodies and antigens on surfaces
We use the instrument for analysis of binding processes on new materials that we are developing for bio sensing. The product demonstrates a good reliability. We are usually measuring with many different complementary methods and are performing quantitative validation of the results obtained with SPR, XPS, AFM, and IRRAS. Since we have purchased the instrument, we are using it very often, as it is great for studying the kinetics of binding processes in liquid. It completes or characterization methods in various aspects, including testing of the functionality of surfaces and measurement of the structural and optical properties of ultra thin bio films in liquid. From our data we found a good quantitive agreement with complementary methods. Our sample have thicknesses in the nm range, which can be obtained due to the multi parametric measurements at 3 different wavelengths. The data evaluation with Layer Solver is accurate and the system can find attractors for the solutions unambiguously. The results are reproducible and the system is easy to use. The after-sales care is outstanding.
Review Date: 6 Jun 2023 | Bionavis
Product features:
- Automated liquid handling of up to 6 different samples for unattended runs
- Software switch for serial and parallel injections in 2 fluidic channels
- Partial loop injections enabling minimized sample consumption
- Exceptionally wide angular range 40˚ – 78˚ enables measurements of small organic molecules and large proteins, but also metallic nanoparticles and cells. One scan encompasses both environments: gas and liquid and enables in-line bulk effect separation providing PureKinetics™
- Two independent wavelength measurements in each fluidic channel, enabling detection of thickness and refractive index or conformation changes
- Optionally the instrument can be equipped with up to 4 different wavelengths measured from each liquid channel for optimal data for layer characterization
- Controlled buffer flow conditions with precise syringe pumps and integrated degasser
- Software package for convenient control of the instrument and easy analysis of the results. 210A VASA comes with MP-SPR Navi&™ LayerSolver to determine thickness and RI from multiple wavelength measurements. TraceDrawer™ – a powerful software for determination of affinity and kinetic constants is optional
- MP-SPR Navi™ instruments utilize optical RI matching elastomer and therefore, sensors are very easy to exchange and remove for further analysis with other methods such as AFM or microscopy
- Open design enables convenient access to the easily removable flow cell, as well as to tubing, pump and injection valves
- Complement with electrochemistry, high chemical resistant and gas flow cells as well as fluorescence setup provides combined or validation measurements