MP-SPR Navi™ 420A ILVES is an ideal solution for molecular interaction studies when high throughput is needed. Minimal dead volume with 4 liquid channels makes the instrument optimal for small molecules and antibody interaction measurements.

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Reliable and good reproducibility
Molecular interaction studies (small molecules) with high throughput.
The MP-SPR Navi 420A ILVES is simple to use and doesn't need a lot of maintenance. The system is robust and offers a high throughput option with the autosampler for 96-well plates.
Review Date: 23 Feb 2023 | Bionavis
MP-SPR Navi™ 420A ILVES is an ideal solution for molecular interaction studies when high throughput is needed. Minimal dead volume with 4 liquid channels makes the instrument optimal for small molecules and antibody interaction measurements.
Features and Benefits
• 4 fluidic channels for high throughput
• Automation of samples from 96 and 384 well plates allows for unattended runs
• Measurements of kinetic constants, concentration and competition analysis, affinity and EC50
• KineticTitration for faster interaction affinity and kinetic measurements
• Exceptionally wide angular range 40˚ – 78˚ enables measurements of small organic molecules and large proteins, but also metallic nanoparticles and live cells. Most importantly, it allows in-line bulk effect separation – PureKinetics™
• Two independent wavelength measurements from each fluidic channel, enabling the detection of thickness and refractive index or conformational changes
• Controlled buffer flow conditions with precise syringe pumps and integrated degasser
• Software switch for serial and individual injections
• Partial loop injections allow minimized sample consumption
• Complete software package for convenient instrument control and easy analysis of the results. 420A ILVES instrument comes with both TraceDrawer™ for MP-SPR Navi and MP-SPR Navi LayerSolver software. LayerSolver is an advantageous software to determine thickness and RI from multiple wavelength measurements whereas Trace Drawer is a powerful software for the determination of affinity and kinetic constants
• MP-SPR Navi instruments utilize optical RI matching elastomer and therefore, sensors are straightforward to exchange and remove for further analysis with other methods such as AFM or microscopy