Multiple Affinity Removal Column Human 14
In order to more easily isolate and identify proteins in human serum, the Agilent Human 14 Multiple Affinity Removal Column is designed to chromatographically remove fourteen interfering high-abundant proteins from human plasma samples.
Trustworthy product for Precious samples
Multiple Affinity Removal Column Human 14 from Agilent helps in depletion of Plasma or serum samples. It helps in removing the top 14 abundant proteins from the samples, making it more useful for biomarker discovery experiments. Most of the time proteins of interest are present in the samples in very low abundance and while acquiring data on Mass spectrometry, low abundance were always suppressed by the higher abundant proteins. A brilliant product and very reliable. As it is an Antibody column, the expiry date is almost 1 year from the date of arrival.
Review Date: 2 Feb 2017 | Agilent Technologies
In order to more easily isolate and identify proteins in human serum, the Agilent Human 14 Multiple Affinity Removal Column is designed to chromatographically remove fourteen interfering high-abundant proteins from human plasma samples. Removal of these abundant proteins improves the subsequent LC/MS and electrophoretic analysis of the serum sample by effectively expanding the dynamic range of the analysis.