Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Neuroscreen™-1 Cells, Academic Package

Neuroscreen-1 is a neuronal-like cell line optimized for screening.  It is a subclone of PC12, a widely used cell line derived from rat pheochromocytoma cells that serves as a standard model system for neurons.  Neuroscreen-1 cells display several substantial advantages over PC12 cells, including 50-80% faster growth, no tendency toward cell aggregation, high and accelerated responsiveness to NGF (measurable neurites within 2…

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Neuroscreen-1 is a neuronal-like cell line optimized for screening. It is a subclone of PC12, a widely used cell line derived from rat pheochromocytoma cells that serves as a standard model system for neurons.

Neuroscreen-1 cells display several substantial advantages over PC12 cells, including 50-80% faster growth, no tendency toward cell aggregation, high and accelerated responsiveness to NGF (measurable neurites within 2 days), and excellent performance in screening assays.

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