NSE-p25 Mouse Model

NSE-p25 mice were created by pronuclear injection of an NSE-p25 transgene, produced internally at Pfizer, with transplantation of embryos to pseudopregnant CD-1 females. At weaning genomic DNA was isolated from tail tissue and founder transgenics were identified by PCR that specifically amplified DNA sequences from the human p25 cDNA. Founder mice were bred to FVB/N mates and transgenic offspring were used to maintain the tra…

Charles River

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NSE-p25 mice were created by pronuclear injection of an NSE-p25 transgene, produced internally at Pfizer, with transplantation of embryos to pseudopregnant CD-1 females.

At weaning genomic DNA was isolated from tail tissue and founder transgenics were identified by PCR that specifically amplified DNA sequences from the human p25 cDNA. Founder mice were bred to FVB/N mates and transgenic offspring were used to maintain the transgenic line.

Model Properties:

  • Coat Color: White (albino)
  • Ideal For: Alzheimer's disease
  • Strain Code: 528 HE, 529 HO, 530 WT, This model is cryopreserved.

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