Products & ReviewLife Sciences

nSMOL™ Antibody BA Kit

Shimadzu CorporationAvailable: Worldwide

nSMOL (nano-surface and molecular orientation limited proteolysis) is Shimadzu’s proprietary, innovative technique that enables selective proteolysis of the Fab region of monoclonal antibodies.

Shimadzu Corporation

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nSMOL (nano-surface and molecular orientation limited proteolysis) is Shimadzu’s proprietary, innovative technique that enables selective proteolysis of the Fab region of monoclonal antibodies. The nSMOL Antibody BA Kit is a ready-to-use reagent kit for collecting monoclonal antibodies from blood or other biological samples using immunoglobulin collection resin, and then performing selective proteolysis of the Fab region of these antibodies via trypsin-immobilized nanoparticles. Variable region-derived peptides produced by limited proteolysis can then be quantified via MRM measurements utilizing a high-performance LCMS-8050/8060 triple quadrupole liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer. An unparalleled convenient and rapid workflow provided by the nSMOL Antibody BA Kit dramatically improves the productivity and robustness of LCMS mAb bioanalysis.

  • Faster, Less Expensive Method Development
    Dramatically improves response and quantitative repeatability. No capture antibodies or ligands required.
  • nSMOL Proteolysis
    Selective collection of Fab peptides. Limits contamination from excessive peptides or trypsin.
  • Performance
    Highly sensitive and accurate assays are possible for a variety of antibodies.
  • Highly Versatile
    Applicable to a wide variety of pharmaceutical antibodies.

Product Overview
