nUView Gels
NuSep provides 2 types of gels, each offering a superior resolution to assist you in protein separation plus band visualization in only 2 minutes under ultra violet (UV) light. Increased Resolution. nUView gels are formulated to run at a constant 200 volts while maintaining a high resolution separation. Longer Storage Life. With a 24 month storage life (4°C) from date of manufacture or 6 months at room temperature (25°C)…
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No transfer of proteins from the gel to the membrane.
Western blot
Does not allow efficient transfer of proteins from the gel. Proteins remain stuck and do not migrate from the gel. I am disappointed with this problem. Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.
Review Date: 15 Apr 2021 | NuSep
These are less expensive than most gels. They use uv trace so no coomassie staining is necessary. they also run quickly (1 hr) which is faster than most other products.
Review Date: 13 Jun 2011 | NuSep
NuSep provides 2 types of gels, each offering a superior resolution to assist you in protein separation plus band visualization in only 2 minutes under ultra violet (UV) light.
- Increased Resolution. nUView gels are formulated to run at a constant 200 volts while maintaining a high resolution separation.
- Longer Storage Life. With a 24 month storage life (4°C) from date of manufacture or 6 months at room temperature (25°C), NuSep gels provide reproducible results time after time.
- Broader Migration Range. nUView gels offer greater resolution across a wider mass range (205 kDa to 2.5kDa). Migration patterns are available in a broad range of formulations and well configurations.
- Compatibility. The cassette fits all mini-gel (10cm) tanks with slight modification. Additionally the cassette has large sample well capacities (up to 50 μL) with numbered lanes and solid well dividers for easy well identification - eliminating cross sample contamination and gel damage.
- Easy to Use. NuSep precast gels are easy to use and contain a tear open pouch and tapeless cassette for fast set up plus trouble-free cassette loading and opening (requiring no key or knife to open).
- Running Buffers. Separations using nUView gels can be carried out under native or denaturing conditions using a broad range of popular buffers including MES and MOPS (each producing a different migration pattern).
- Accessories. NuSep offers a broad range of buffers, stains and drying solutions.
- Satisfies Standard Protocols. All standard western blotting protocols and all standard in-gel digestion protocols for Mass Spectrometry analysis can be used with NuSep nUView gels.
Tris-Glycine gels - Run Times from 30 Minutes.
Tris-HEPES gels - Run Times from 45 Minutes.