Portable Water Activity Lightweight - just 4 ounces Pocket-sized - 3.5 x 4 inches Battery-operated Easy two point calibration Self-contained - low maintenance sensor and readout in a single unit Most affordable water activity meter on the marketLimitations No temperature control Capacitance sensor limits accuracy to ± 0.02 aw Sturdy and ReliableOriginally designed for government inspectors, the 4-inch Pa…
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Excellent results for water activity to prevent mould formation in fire logs
Water activity for prevention of mold formation
The use of this pawkit to monitor water activity in quality control has saved the company millions of dollars by way of spoilage due to mold and fungus formation with water and fatty acids getting rancid. Below a certain level zero water activity and no fungus or mould formation.
Review Date: 23 Apr 2021 | Decagon Devices, Inc.
Portable Water Activity
Lightweight - just 4 ounces
Pocket-sized - 3.5 x 4 inches
Easy two point calibration
Self-contained - low maintenance sensor and readout in a single unit
Most affordable water activity meter on the market
No temperature control
Capacitance sensor limits accuracy to ± 0.02 aw
Sturdy and Reliable
Originally designed for government inspectors, the 4-inch Pawkit is a reliable water activity instrument for use on-the-go.
How It Works
To make a measurement, flip back the sensor cover and fit the Pawkit over a standard AquaLab sample cup. A push of a button brings an accurate reading within five minutes.
Pawkit owners include government inspectors, jerky manufacturers, small food companies, and production-line QA managers, among others. The Pawkit is accurate to ± 0.02 aw , so it can only be used where a higher accuracy is not critical.