Products & ReviewLife Sciences

PerFix-nc Kit

The PerFix-nc Kit (no centrifuge assay Kit) has been developed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of intracellular staining and simplify the workload necessary for the sample preparation.

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

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The PerFix-nc Kit (no centrifuge assay Kit) has been developed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of intracellular staining and simplify the workload necessary for the sample preparation.

An innovative tool for flow cytometric analysis of multiple intracellular epitopes, or both multiple intracellular and cell surface markers, by fixation, permeabilization and staining of human leucocytes from peripheral whole blood, together with erythrocyte lysis, all without centrifugation

PerFix-nc Kit Benefits:

  • Perfix-nc dramatically reduces the number of manipulative steps - Less than 15 minutes. workload hands-on-time.
  • Achieve accurate detection of both intracellular and extracellular epitopes - Excellent reproducibility; Minimizes cell loss and aggregate formation; Preserves scatter characteristics and MFIs.
  • Several surface markers can be added together with the intracellular markers and incubated simultaneously - Adaptable to specific antigen detection requirements.
  • Surface & intracellular staining in a single step - Optimized for human whole blood and human bone marrow; Can also be used on mouse blood.
  • Potential automation of the PerFix-nc STRAIGHT procedure is rendered possible thanks to the removal of the washing steps.

Product Overview
