Products & ReviewSpectroscopy

Photon Counting Steady State Fluoresence

The PC1™ is a very sensitive, compact, computer-controlled Photon Counting Spectrofluorometer designed for applications in physical chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, neurochemistry, molecular biology, environmental analysis, and immunoassay research.Five key features make the PC1 Photon Counting Spectrofluorometer the most modern instrument in its class: Size The compact design optimizes the light path so that the sample c…

Scientific optical solutions ltd

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The PC1™ is a very sensitive, compact, computer-controlled Photon Counting Spectrofluorometer designed for applications in physical chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, neurochemistry, molecular biology, environmental analysis, and immunoassay research.

Five key features make the PC1 Photon Counting Spectrofluorometer the most modern instrument in its class: Size

The compact design optimizes the light path so that the sample compartment receives the maximum possible excitation light. The end result of the compact design is an instrument of outstanding ability in measuring fluorophores with very low quantum yields, which fits in any laboratory space.

Full Automation

Instrument control and data acquisition are performed through a personal computer; any single experiment, or a series of experiments, can be planned via the software. The experimental plan is executed by the software and data are acquired in long unattended sessions and stored onto the hard disk.


The PCI is provided with communication ports for interfacing with such devices as stopped flow, temperature bath, flash lamp, pressure pump, and titrator. Any of these devices can be controlled through the ISS software, thus allowing the operator a range of experimental possibilities and freedom of operation.

Data Reduction Management

Vinci Multidimensional Spectroscopy software (for WindowsXP operating system) acquires data in ASCII format for maximum portability to other software packages. Data files can be stored directly on other workstations connected to local area networks.


The PC1 is fully upgradable to the K2 Multifrequency Phase Fluorometer for fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime measurements with picosecond resolution. A variety of light sources are available as well as accessories for any application.

Product Overview
