Predictive Toxicology Package

The cost of drug discovery continues to rise while the output of new NDAs continues to fall. Consequently it has never been more important to address attrition rates in drug discovery and development. Early indication of toxicity in a molecule or lead family means that discovery resources can be directed either at other chemical series if these are available or towards ‘breeding’ out undesirable properties. Gentronix and Apred…

Gentronix Ltd.

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The cost of drug discovery continues to rise while the output of new NDAs continues to fall. Consequently it has never been more important to address attrition rates in drug discovery and development. Early indication of toxicity in a molecule or lead family means that discovery resources can be directed either at other chemical series if these are available or towards ‘breeding’ out undesirable properties. Gentronix and Apredica have come together, building on the strengths of each to provide a cost effective package of in vitro toxicology services that meet the needs of Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology companies alike.

Whether you are looking to ease internal bottlenecks in your own toxicology and ADME functions or have compounds to progress but no internal resource in expert areas: we have the expertise and resources to help you get your compounds where they need to be. Combining specialist expertise in genotoxicity and GreenScreen HC proprietary early screening technology from Gentronix with Apredica’s breadth of services in ADME-Tox gives you the right mix of specialists to deliver fast, comprehensive results to support your discovery and development needs.

Gentronix present a range of services from screening and preliminary evaluation packages to full in vitro toxicology profiling that can be further tailored.

Product Overview
