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proANP (1-98)

DRG International Inc.EIA-4703Available: Worldwide

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DRG International Inc.

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Atrial natriuretic peptide is synthesized in atrial myocytes and is stored in secretory granules as a 126 amino acid prohormone. The most important stimulus for the release of the hormone into circulation is stretch of the myocyte fibres On release the prohormone is split into equimolar amounts of the highly biologically active proANP (99-126), also known as Alpha-ANP, and the N-terminal part proANP (1-98). Alpha-ANP is rapidly cleared from the circulation with a half-life of 3-4 minutes. proANP (1 1-98) has a much longer half half-life (6060-120 min) which leads to significantly higher concentrations in blood compared to Alpha-ANP. Thus, circulating levels of proANP (1-98) are less sensitive to the pulsatile secretion of ANP and may better reflect chronic levels of ANP secretion than the rapidly fluctuating levels of Alpha-ANP. proANP is discussed as valuable marker for e.g. sepsis (Increased plasma levels of NT NT-proANP an and NT d NT-proBNP as markers of cardiac dysfunction in septic patients. Hoffmann U et al.Clin Lab. 2005;51 (7 7-8):373 373-9), or risk stratification in heartf ailure (Neurohormonal risk stratification for sudden death and death owing to progressive heart failure in c chronic heart failure. Berger R et chronic al European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2005, 35 (1), 24 24-31)POSSIBLE INDICATIONS -Research studies on heart failure (LVD, CHF etc) -Research studies on heart transplanted patients -Drug therapy monitoring in cardiovascular disease-Risk assessment in heart failure-Risk assessment in MI patients with normal NT-proBNP levels-Monitoring of cardiac resynchronisation therapy

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