Products & ReviewLife Sciences
PTC Tempo Deepwell Thermal Cycler
96-well, thermal cycler for PCR with cables; for research use only.
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The PTC Tempo Thermal Cycler is Bio-Rad’s next-generation conventional PCR instrument. The PTC Tempo Deepwell Thermal Cycler is built with a fixed 96-well reaction block that accommodates reaction volumes of up to 125 µl and offers the same trusted performance as the C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler as well as several new features.
- Programmable thermal gradient — for optimization of annealing temperatures
- Large touch screen — for streamlined protocol programming and editing
- Heated and automated lid — for use with various vessels, sealer types, and for integration with automation robotics
- Expanded connectivity — WiFi, ethernet, and USB
- Cloud connectivity: Create and send protocols to the PTC Tempo Thermal Cycler from the cloud platform
- Network storage drive access for excellent data management