QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (50)
For purification of up to 20 µg molecular biology grade plasmid DNA

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We get reliably good quality plasmids and high yields.
Protein Expression/Biocatalysis/Biotransformation
The protocol is user friendly, time-saving kit, the storage and re-use of the kit durable and reagents have long-shelf life, and Qiagen products produce quality and efficacious results in my opinion.
Review Date: 11 Dec 2023 | QIAGEN
Great product.
Biological research
This is my ultimate choice for miniprep kits. This is the brand I trust the most and get the best results.
Review Date: 6 Jun 2021 | QIAGEN
Easy to use kit.
Plasmid DNA extraction
Easy to use, rapid and reproducible results, high purity and good DNA yield.
Review Date: 22 Jul 2020 | QIAGEN
Average product, there are cheaper, easier products that provide higher yields.
Extract plasmid DNA
Provides a decent yield of good quality DNA. The protocol is harder and more labour intensive than others on the market, and it does not provide a higher yield for the extra work. Yield is usually poorer than other kits I've used. It is also more expensive than these other kits.
Review Date: 16 Jul 2020 | QIAGEN
Works. Wouldn't want to do my job without it.
Preparing plasmids
It just always works. Cant live without this in the lab
Review Date: 9 Feb 2017 | QIAGEN
Review Date: 14 Jan 2011 | QIAGEN
An efficient kit giving excellent yield.
Review Date: 18 Jan 2010 | QIAGEN
QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit
For purification of up to 20 μg molecular biology grade plasmid DNA
Kit Content:
Qiagen QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit, 50 preps, 1 to 100mL Culture Volume, 50L Elution Volume, Molecular Biology Grade Plasmid DNA Purification, Silica Technology, Spin Column Format, Manual Processing, <30 min. Time/Run, <20g Yield, Ideal for Fluorescent and Radioactive Sequencing, Ligation, Cloning, Transformation etc., For Purification of up to 20μg Molecular Biology Grade Plasmid DNA, Includes 50 QIAprep Spin Columns, Reagents, Buffers, 2mL Collection Tubes
- Ready-to-use plasmid DNA in minutes.
- Reproducible yields of molecular biology grade plasmid DNA.
- Single protocol for high- and low-copy vectors.
- Even higher yields with the High-Yield Supplementary Protocol .
- Improved QIAprep 2.0 Spin Column. GelPilot loading dye for convenient sample analysis