Products & ReviewLife Sciences
QX200™ ddPCR™ EvaGreen Supermix (1864034)
500 x 20 µl reactions, 5 ml (5 x 1 ml), 2x supermix, for use in sample preparation with the droplet generator in the QX200™ Droplet Digital™ PCR System
A great help; I replaced other reagents with this current one.
Application Area:
Analyze copy number of biomarkers of depression in brain tissue and exosomes; Study effect of ETOH
Very sensitive and accurate measurements using low years of initial RNA samples; Allows us to obtain quick and informative results.
Review Date: 21 Jun 2019 | Bio-Rad
Use this EvaGreen Digital PCR Supermix with Droplet Generation Oil for EvaGreen and the QX200 Droplet Digital (ddPCR™) System.
- Contains a dsDNA-binding dye that enables double-stranded DNA detection following amplification
- Optimized for the amplification and detection of DNA targets using commercially available EvaGreen Assays
- Allows the seamless transition from SYBR® Green Assays to EvaGreen Assays
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