Products & ReviewLife Sciences

RNAscope Plus smRNA-RNA assay

Advanced Cell DiagnosticsAvailable: Worldwide

The RNAscope Plus™ smRNA-RNA assay allows simultaneous detection of 1 smRNA and up to 3 RNA targets within a single sample using up to four target probes. 

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RNAscope Plus™ smRNA-RNA assay is a valuable new tool to quantify changes in gene expression and cellular function in response to the introduction of regulatory RNAs, essential for optimizing therapeutic efficacy and safety. The RNAscope Plus smRNA-RNA assay allows simultaneous detection of 1 smRNA and up to 3 RNA targets within a single sample using up to four target probes. The assay is compatible with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE), and fresh frozen (FF) tissue.

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