RPMI 1640 Medium, no glutamine
No L-Glutamine, no Glucose

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PC 12 cells treatment with oxygen glucose deprivation
This is medium is used to induce in vito model of ischemia in PC12 cells (oxygen glucose depriviation) and it works well.
Review Date: 26 Mar 2019 | Biological Industries
RPMI Medium 1640 has been specifically developed for the long-term culture of blood cells, the culture of normal and abnormal human leukocytes (e.g. neoplastic WBC's) and is now used as a general medium (with serum) for hybridoma cultures.
Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 Medium has also been found suitable for a variety of mammalian cells, including HeLa, Jurkat, MCF-7, PC12, PBMC, astrocytes, and carcinomas.
Biological Industries offers a variety of RPMI 1640 Medium modifications for various cell culture applications.
This RPMI is modified as follows:
- with Phenol Red