Products & ReviewSpectroscopy

RX 2000 Rapid Mixing Stopped-flow Accessory

Expand the Capability of a UV or Fluorescence Spectrometer

Applied Photophysics Ltd

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The RX2000 is a portable, high-performance stopped-flow accessory that is ideal as a teaching aid. It enables kinetic measurements of reactions at least a thousand-fold faster than those run by manual techniques.

Compatible with a broad range of UV-Vis spectrometers and fluorometers from leading manufacturers, the RX2000 is constructed from chemically-resistant materials with an armored umbilical for robustness.

  • Observe reactions at 0-60 °C: sample temperature controlled from drive syringes through to cell and recorded on a digital temperature display
  • Save sample: Produce reproducible data with a drive volume of just 120 μL
  • Observe reactions on 10 ms timescale and higher: dead times as short as 8 ms
  • Accomplish asymmetric mixing ratios from 1:1 up to 1:10 when using different-sized syringes: simultaneous drive of both syringes offers ratio mixing capability

Product Overview
