Products & ReviewLife Sciences

SEQuoia Express Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit

SEQuoia Express Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit enables customers to overcome the challenge of a laborious library prep workflow by providing a cost-effective 3-hour, 3-tube, automation-friendly solution for constructing robust libraries that efficiently capture long RNA transcripts (>200bp).


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Great high-quality and specific libraries, less work time, better results


Average Rating 4.0

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This product makes it possible to obtain an RNA library ready for sequencing in 3 hours, which considerably reduces work time and increases the efficiency of our overall sequencing process. The number of pipetting steps is less than with other kits, which allows the creation of libraries to be a faster and less cumbersome step, in addition to reducing the bias. High quality and specificity libraries are obtained with a very positive economic return. In addition to any problem, the BioRad customer service is very efficient in providing solutions or proposing recommendations to our doubts.

Review Date: 27 Mar 2023 | Bio-Rad

SEQuoia Express Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit is a fast, high-performance RNA-Seq library preparation kit used to construct a sequence-ready library comprised of messenger RNA and long-noncoding RNA biotypes that is compatible with Illumina platforms from a broad range of total RNA inputs. Featuring SEQzyme, a proprietary engineered enzyme that couples cDNA synthesis with adapter addition in a continuous synthesis reaction, this kit streamlines library construction by reducing the number of components to just three tubes, significantly minimizing the number of pipetting steps and shortening the protocol time to under three hours.

SEQuoia Express Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit is compatible with SEQuoia RiboDepletion Kit for removal of constructs originating from ribosomal RNA and SEQuoia Dual-Indexed Primers, enabling a user to pool libraries and run them on a single flow-cell, greatly reducing the cost of over sequencing. Furthermore, it comes with a pre-packaged bioinformatics pipeline with the options to select a researcher’s local infrastructure or the cloud-based web application. This rapid and cost-effective workflow provides a seamless end-to-end solution for researchers who want to generate the highest quality data with minimal chance of error.

Features and Benefits

  • Simplified workflow that can be completed under 3 hours
  • Convenient 3-tube configuration minimizes pipetting steps and hands-on time
  • Efficient and unbiased capture of coding and non-coding long RNA
  • Validated with a broad range of RNA input
  • Integrated with bioinformatics solution

Applications and Uses

  • For researchers and drug developers who require high-quality, complex, and unbiased sequencing libraries to profile differential expression patterns of mRNA and long non-coding RNA biotypes and be able to quickly assess the quality of their sequencing data. Main applications include:
  • Liquid biopsy
  • Single nucleotide variation discovery
  • Gene fusion identification
  • Splice junction identification

Included Components

Each kit comes with three reagent components: reaction mix, enzyme mix, and an amplification mix. The kit should be stored at -20°C.

Product Overview
