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Sine-Wave Vibro Viscometer SV Series 0.3 - 10,000 mPa·s

Revolutionary range of viscometer featuring the vibrating tuning fork measurement method.  The SV Series provides a fast, highly accurate result & is simple to use.  Ideal for non Newtonian products particularly those with a volatile nature.  The SV-10 has a measurement range of 0.3–10,000mPa·s. It measures viscosity by detecting the driving current necessary to resonate two sensor plates at a constant frequency of 30 Hz and a…

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  • Wide measurement range: 0.3 – 10,000mPa·s.
  • Measurement of very low viscosities (down to 1/3 of water viscosity!)
  • Temperature measurement from 0 to 160° C
  • Fast measurements: 1st result within 15 seconds, and refresh in real time
  • Possible continuous measurements in order to characterize changes of state
  • High precision with a repeatability of ±1% of displayed value
  • Small size sample: cups of 35ml, 13ml, 10ml
  • Possibility to do measurements directly into your containers: beakers, product packages, etc
  • Low mechanical impact: preservation of sample characteristics and its texture
  • Negligible thermal impact
  • Measurements possible on foaming samples, on foam itself, on flowing or agitated samples
  • Simple operation: no configuration – just push the start button
  • Easy cleaning
  • WinCT-Viscosity software for data acquisition on PC, graphic display of curves, and data archiving (viscosity curves against temperature or time)
  • Calibration (judgement and even adjustment) of viscosity possible by the user: 1 or 2 points
  • Simplified and automated calibration (including adjustment) with pure water
  • Temperature control of sample with water jacket option (AX-SV-37) or other methods

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